Samson Young — Container Artist Residency

Tag: Samson Young


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  • Marie Lorenz

    The Tide and Current Taxi is a rowboat taxi, made and operated by the artist Marie Lorenz. In July and August of 2016, the Taxi is navigating the Erie Canal from Buffalo to New York City.

  • Mierle Laderman Ukeles

    Mierle Laderman Ukeles has been the artist-in-residence for the NYC Department of Sanitation for the past 30+ years. During this time she has orchestrated a series of seven grand-scale collaborative performances that took place between 1983 and 2012 in New York, Pittsburgh, Givors, Rotterdam, and Tokamachi.

  • Maritime Film Festival

    A film festival dedicated to humankind’s relationship to the sea, founded by Andrew Poneros and Timothy Regan

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