All at sea: Stowaway artists turn life on the ocean into art

By Adam White, CNN Hong Kong (CNN) The vast container ships that line the deep waters of Hong Kong share a ponderous beauty as they make their way across one of the world’s…
By Adam White, CNN Hong Kong (CNN) The vast container ships that line the deep waters of Hong Kong share a ponderous beauty as they make their way across one of the world’s…
Is a shipping container a good metaphor for a white cube, or vice versa? A survey of the city’s current art scene, from new to old to reopened spaces BY PABLO LARIOS…
CREATIVE OPERATIONAL SOLUTIONS Para Site, Hong Kong Dec. 10, 2016 – Feb. 26, 2017 Opening Reception: 9 December, 2016, 7-9pm, Talk at 6:30pm A conversation between Prem Krishnamurthy, Cosmin Costinas, Maayan Strauss,…
“The opportunity to work within the global industrial supply chain provided us with the best studio we could imagine. We spent our days reading on the bridge, filming from the deck, and…
On June 29th Samson Young departed from Port Klang, Malaysia on a ten day journey on ZIM Qingdao. Traveling along the ZIM East Mediterranean / Black Sea Express Service line, he stopped…
Enter behind the curtain and we’re at sea, alongside 19 men and 4000 containers full of (electronic, car, animal) parts, heading to Nigeria. One contains frozen tilapia fish now crossing the sea…
Diebboll is going through the Panama Canal after 25 days at sea on the container ship ZIM Haifa. After leaving the ports of Shanghai & Pusan, she crossed Japan’s Tsugaru Strait out…
It took Diebboll 20 days to make it from Busan, South Korea to the Panama Canal. Now she’s headed into the Caribbean and then on to the east coast of the US.
Photos of horizons Diebboll has taken while at sea.
Erin Diebboll is crossing the Pacific on her way to the Panama Canal. Below are some photos she has taken at sea.
Transport Medium (2000) exhibition focused around the movements of a shipping container turned into a digital clock
The Tide and Current Taxi is a rowboat taxi, made and operated by the artist Marie Lorenz. In July and August of 2016, the Taxi is navigating the Erie Canal from Buffalo to New York City.
Bachelor Machines Part 1 (2007), film exploring seafaring