Erin Diebboll
Panama Canal
Diebboll is going through the Panama Canal after 25 days at sea on the container ship ZIM Haifa. After leaving the ports of Shanghai & Pusan, she crossed Japan’s Tsugaru Strait out…
Diebboll is going through the Panama Canal after 25 days at sea on the container ship ZIM Haifa. After leaving the ports of Shanghai & Pusan, she crossed Japan’s Tsugaru Strait out…
It took Diebboll 20 days to make it from Busan, South Korea to the Panama Canal. Now she’s headed into the Caribbean and then on to the east coast of the US.
Photos of horizons Diebboll has taken while at sea.
Erin Diebboll is crossing the Pacific on her way to the Panama Canal. Below are some photos she has taken at sea.
Erin Diebboll made landfall in Busan on May 28th. She will now spend the next two weeks at sea crossing the Pacific Ocean on her way to the Panama Canal. Below are…
Erin Diebboll departed from the port of Shanghai on May 25th en route to Busan, South Korea. Below are photos she took while departing.
Extrastatecraft: The Power of Infrastructure Space (2014), a book about the intricacies of political power in our globalizing world is a interactive record of ship movements created by Kiln based on data from the UCL Energy Institute.
A film festival dedicated to humankind’s relationship to the sea, founded by Andrew Poneros and Timothy Regan